Aegean Securities Litigation

This official website is maintained by the Claims Administrator supervised by Lead Counsel in the action entitled, In re Aegean Marine Petroleum Inc. Securities Litigation, Case No. 1:18-cv-04993-(NRB) (the “Action”), pending in the United States District Court For The Southern District of New York

UPDATE: On January 7, 2025, the Order for Distribution was approved by the Court. The distribution date will be provided once all final processes have been completed. Please review the website for additional updates.


Information on this page pertains to two proposed settlements reached between Lead Plaintiff and the remaining Defendants in this Action, Spyros Gianniotis (“Gianniotis”) (the “Gianniotis Settlement”) (for $11,000,000) and Dimitris Melissanidis (“Melissanidis” or the “Melissanidis Settlement”) (for $949,999) (Collectively, the “Individual Defendants Settlements”).

Earlier, two settlements with PwC Greece and Deloitte Greece were reached (the “Auditor Settlements”). The Court granted final approval of the Auditor Settlements on September 14, 2022.


The information contained on this web page is only a summary of information presented in more detail in the Notice of (I) Pendency of Class Action and Proposed Individual Defendants Settlements; and (II) Final Approval Hearing For The Individual Defendants Settlements, The Individual Defendants Plan of Allocation and Motion for Approval of Attorneys’ Fees and Reimbursement of Litigation Expenses (the “Notice”), which you can access by clicking here. Since this website is just a summary, you should review the Notice for additional details.

Please be advised that your rights may be affected by the above-captioned securities class action lawsuit (the “Action”), pending in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (the “Court”), if you purchased or otherwise acquired Aegean Marine Petroleum Network, Inc. (“Aegean” or the “Company”) securities between February 27, 2014 through November 5, 2018, inclusive (the “Settlement Class Period”), and were allegedly damaged thereby.

Please also be advised that Court-appointed Lead Plaintiff, Utah Retirement Systems (“URS” or “Lead Plaintiff”), on behalf of itself and the Settlement Class (defined in Question 6 of the Notice), has reached two proposed settlements for $11,949,999 (the “Individual Defendants Settlements”) of the Action with the remaining Defendants in this Action, Spyros Gianniotis (“Gianniotis”) (the “Gianniotis Settlement”) (for $11,000,000) and Dimitris Melissanidis (“Melissanidis” or the “Melissanidis Settlement”) (for $949,999). These Individual Defendants Settlements are subject to Court approval.

Lead Plaintiff previously reached settlements with Deloitte Certified Public Accountants, S.A. (“Deloitte Greece”) and PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditing Company S.A. (“PwC Greece”) for $14.9 million each, which settlements were approved by the Court on September 14, 2022 (the “Auditor Settlements”) (see Question 2).

If you did not submit a Claim Form in the Auditor Settlements, you may submit a Claim Form now to participate in the Individual Defendants Settlements. Claim Forms submitted for the Auditor Settlements will automatically be considered for recovery in the Individual Defendants Settlements, unless you request exclusion from the Individual Defendants Settlements, and should NOT be re-submitted for the Individual Defendants Settlements. Recovery for new Claim Forms submitted in the Individual Defendants Settlements will also be considered for recovery in the Auditor Settlements.

If You Purchased Aegean Marine Petroleum Network, Inc. Securities During The Period Beginning February 27, 2014 Through November 5, 2018, Your Rights May Be Impacted By Two Additional Individual Defendants Settlements In this Action And You May Be Entitled To Payment From These Two Additional Settlements Totaling $11,949,999.

PLEASE READ THE DETAILED NOTICE CAREFULLY. The Detailed Notice explains important rights you may have, including the possible receipt of a payment from the Individual Defendants Settlements. Your legal rights may be affected even if you do nothing.

Your Legal Rights And Options With Respect To The Individual Defendants Settlements
Submit a Claim Form Received or Postmarked by September 20, 2023 If you did not submit a Claim Form for the Auditor Settlements, this is the only way to get a payment. See Questions 10 and 12 of the Notice. If you already submitted a Claim Form for the Auditor Settlements, please do not submit another Claim Form.
Ask To Be Excluded by Submitting a Written Exclusion Postmarked by September 28, 2023 You will receive no payment from these Individual Defendants Settlements. This is the only option that allows you to ever be part of any other lawsuit against the Individual Defendants or the other relevant Individual Defendants’ released parties (as defined in Question 11 of the Notice) concerning the claims that were or could have been asserted in this Action. See Question 13 of the Notice. Note: Requests for exclusion previously submitted for the Auditor Settlements will be automatically considered to be requests for exclusion to the Individual Defendants Settlements unless a Claim Form is submitted for the Individual Defendants Settlements.
Object by Filing and Submitting Written Objections Postmarked by September 28, 2023 If you wish to object to the Individual Defendants Settlements, or anything else referenced in this Detailed Notice, you must file and submit a written objection. See Questions 16 and 17 of the Notice.
Participate in a Final Approval Hearing (which may be held in person, telephonically, by video or as otherwise ordered by the Court) You may also request to be heard at the Final Approval Hearing, which may be held in person or virtually. See Questions 18-20 of the Notice.
Do Nothing If you submitted a Claim Form for the Auditor Settlements, it will automatically be considered for recovery in the Individual Defendants Settlements, unless you file a request for exclusion to the Individual Defendants Settlements. However, if you did not submit a timely Claim Form in the Auditor Settlements and you do nothing in response to this Detailed Notice, (i) you will not be eligible to receive any payment from the Gianniotis Settlement Fund (defined in the Notice) or the Melissanidis Settlement Fund (defined in the Notice); (ii) you will, however, remain a member of the Settlement Class, which means you give up your right to sue about the claims that are resolved by the Individual Defendants Settlements (as well as the Auditor Settlements); and (iii) you will be bound by any judgments or orders entered by the Court in the Action against Gianniotis and Melissanidis (as well as the Auditor Defendants). See Question 21 of the Notice.